Tag Archives: entrepreneur

An entrepreneur’s oath

15 Nov

I undertake a journey of growth & pain
I understand that there will be many dark days, where I would want to throw in the towel, but wont
I know that for what seem like the longest time
I will dread month-end
I am comfortable with the lil uncomforted with being pressured by family and friends to get a job
they do this out of what they think is love but its fear of what they think is a dangerous journey
I ask they just bear with me and let me soldier on my journey
I am prepared to lie awake many nights planning my way out of perceived imminent failure
I am ready to be told by my potential clients that I am too expensive for the experience I have in this game or that I am not experienced enough
I anticipate failing so many times that I will ache as I stand up again
For I know that it will be worth it in the end
as I extinguish the words of my naysayers and the loudest of them- The one who live in my head
For I am an entrepreneur; I have chosen this life above immediate comfort as I strive to create wealth and to make a difference in the world around me.
~Allon Raiz

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